- stable_ssl.modules.load_backbone(name, num_classes, weights=None, low_resolution=False, return_feature_dim=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Load a backbone model.
If num_classes is provided, the last layer is replaced by a linear layer of output size num_classes. Otherwise, the last layer is replaced by an identity layer.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the backbone model. Supported models are: - Any model from torchvision.models - “Resnet9” - “ConvMixer”
num_classes (int) – Number of classes in the dataset. If None, the model is loaded without the classifier.
weights (bool, optional) – Whether to load a weights model, by default False.
low_resolution (bool, optional) – Whether to adapt the resolution of the model (for CIFAR typically). By default False.
return_feature_dim (bool, optional) – Whether to return the feature dimension of the model.
**kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for the model.
- Returns:
The neural network model.
- Return type: