Source code for stable_ssl.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Configuration for stable-ssl runs."""
# Author: Hugues Van Assel <>
#         Randall Balestriero <>
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, make_dataclass
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import logging
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import random
import torch

from .utils import LARS
from .joint_embedding import (
from .supervised import Supervised
from .data import DataConfig
from .base import BaseModelConfig

[docs] @dataclass class OptimConfig: """Configuration for the 'optimizer' parameters. Parameters ---------- optimizer : str Type of optimizer to use (e.g., "AdamW", "RMSprop", "SGD", "LARS"). Default is "LARS". lr : float Learning rate for the optimizer. Default is 1e0. batch_size : int, optional Batch size for training. Default is 256. epochs : int, optional Number of epochs to train the model. Default is 10. max_steps : int, optional Maximum number of steps per epoch. Default is -1. weight_decay : float Weight decay for the optimizer. Default is 1e-6. momentum : float Momentum for the optimizer. Default is None. nesterov : bool Whether to use Nesterov momentum. Default is False. betas : Tuple[float, float], optional Betas for the AdamW optimizer. Default is (0.9, 0.999). grad_max_norm : float, optional Maximum norm for gradient clipping. Default is None. """ optimizer: str = "LARS" lr: float = 1e0 batch_size: int = 256 epochs: int = 1000 max_steps: int = -1 weight_decay: float = 0 momentum: Optional[float] = None nesterov: Optional[bool] = None betas: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None grad_max_norm: Optional[float] = None def __post_init__(self): """Validate and set default values for optimizer parameters. Ensures that a valid optimizer is provided and assigns default values for parameters like learning rate, weight decay, and others, if they are not explicitly set. """ if not (hasattr(torch.optim, self.optimizer) or self.optimizer == "LARS"): raise ValueError( f"Invalid optimizer: {self.optimizer}. Must be a " "torch optimizer or 'LARS'." ) # Instantiate the optimizer to get the default parameters. optimizer = ( LARS if self.optimizer == "LARS" else getattr(torch.optim, self.optimizer) ) default_params = optimizer([torch.tensor(0)]).defaults # Ensure parameters are provided appropriately based on the optimizer. for param in ["lr", "weight_decay", "momentum", "betas", "nesterov"]: if param in default_params.keys(): if getattr(self, param) is None: # If a useful parameter is not provided, its default value is used. default_value = default_params[param] setattr(self, param, default_value) logging.warning( f"{param} not provided for {self.optimizer} " f"optimizer. Default value of {default_value} is used." ) else: # If the parameter is useless for the optimizer, it is set to None. setattr(self, param, None)
[docs] @dataclass class HardwareConfig: """Configuration for the 'hardware' parameters. Parameters ---------- seed : int, optional Random seed for reproducibility. Default is None. float16 : bool, optional Whether to use mixed precision (float16) for training. Default is False. gpu : int, optional GPU device ID to use for training. Default is 0. world_size : int, optional Number of processes participating in distributed training. Default is 1. port : int, optional Port number for distributed training. Default is None. """ seed: Optional[int] = None float16: bool = False gpu: int = 0 world_size: int = 1 port: Optional[int] = None def __post_init__(self): """Set a random port for distributed training if not provided.""" self.port = self.port or random.randint(49152, 65535)
[docs] @dataclass class LogConfig: """Configuration for the 'log' parameters. Parameters ---------- folder : str, optional Path to the folder where logs and checkpoints will be saved. Default is the current directory + random hash folder. load_from : str, optional Path to a checkpoint from which to load the model, optimizer, and scheduler. Default is "ckpt". level : int, optional Logging level (e.g., logging.INFO). Default is logging.INFO. checkpoint_frequency : int, optional Frequency of saving checkpoints (in terms of epochs). Default is 10. save_final_model : bool, optional Whether to save the final trained model. Default is False. final_model_name : str, optional Name for the final saved model. Default is "final_model". eval_only : bool, optional Whether to only evaluate the model without training. Default is False. eval_epoch_freq : int, optional Frequency of evaluation (in terms of epochs). Default is 1. wandb_entity : str, optional Name of the (Weights & Biases) entity. Default is None. wandb_project : str, optional Name of the (Weights & Biases) project. Default is None. """ folder: Optional[str] = None run: Optional[str] = None load_from: str = "ckpt" level: int = logging.INFO checkpoint_frequency: int = 10 save_final_model: bool = False final_model_name: str = "final_model" eval_only: bool = False eval_epoch_freq: int = 1 wandb_entity: Optional[str] = None wandb_project: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): """Initialize logging folder and run settings. If the folder path is not specified, creates a default path under `./logs`. The run identifier is set using the current timestamp if not provided. """ if self.folder is None: self.folder = Path("./logs") else: self.folder = Path(self.folder) if is None: ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f") (self.folder /, exist_ok=True) @property def dump_path(self): """Return the full path where logs and checkpoints are stored. This path includes the base folder and the run identifier. """ return self.folder /
@dataclass class TrainerConfig: """Global configuration for training a model. Parameters ---------- model : BaseModelConfig Model configuration. data : DataConfig Data configuration. optim : OptimConfig Optimizer configuration. hardware : HardwareConfig Hardware configuration. log : LogConfig Logging and checkpointing configuration. """ model: BaseModelConfig = field(default_factory=BaseModelConfig) data: DataConfig = field(default_factory=DataConfig) optim: OptimConfig = field(default_factory=OptimConfig) hardware: HardwareConfig = field(default_factory=HardwareConfig) log: LogConfig = field(default_factory=LogConfig) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a YAML representation of the configuration.""" return OmegaConf.to_yaml(self) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a YAML string of the configuration.""" return OmegaConf.to_yaml(self) _MODEL_CONFIGS = { "SimCLR": SimCLRConfig, "Barlowtwins": BarlowTwinsConfig, "Supervised": BaseModelConfig, "VICReg": VICRegConfig, "WMSE": WMSEConfig, } def get_args(cfg_dict, model_class=None): """Create and return a TrainerConfig from a configuration dictionary.""" kwargs = { name: value for name, value in cfg_dict.items() if name not in ["data", "optim", "model", "hardware", "log"] } model = cfg_dict.get("model", {}) if model_class is None: name = model.get("name", None) else: if issubclass(model_class, Supervised): name = "Supervised" model = _MODEL_CONFIGS[name](**model) args = TrainerConfig( model=model, data=DataConfig(**cfg_dict.get("data", {})), optim=OptimConfig(**cfg_dict.get("optim", {})), hardware=HardwareConfig(**cfg_dict.get("hardware", {})), log=LogConfig(**cfg_dict.get("log", {})), ) args.__class__ = make_dataclass( "TrainerConfig", fields=[(name, type(v), v) for name, v in kwargs.items()], bases=(type(args),), ) return args