Getting Started#

Minimal Documentation#

Implement your own Trainer#

At the very least, you need to implement three methods:

  • initialize_modules: this method initializes whatever model and parameters to use for training/inference

  • forward: that method that will be doing the prediction, e.g., for classification it will be p(y|x)

  • compute_loss: that method should return a scalar value used for backpropagation/training.

Library Design#

Stable-SSL provides all the boilerplate to quickly get started doing AI research, with a focus on Self Supervised Learning (SSL) albeit other applications can certainly build upon Stable-SSL. In short, we provide a BaseModel class that calls the following methods (in order):

  - seed_everything()
  - initialize_modules()
  - initialize_optimizer()
  - initialize_scheduler()
  - load_checkpoint()

  - before_train_epoch()
  - for batch in train_loader:
    - before_train_step()
    - train_step(batch)
    - after_train_step()
  - after_train_epoch()

While the organization is related to the one provided by PytorchLightning, the goal here is to greatly reduce the codebase complexity without sacrificing performances. Think of PytorchLightning as industry driven (abstracting everything away) while Stable-SSL is academia driven (bringing everything in front of the user).

How to launch runs#

First build a confif file with the parameters you want to use. The parameters should be structured in the following groups: data, model, hardware, log, optim. See the Configuration File Guide for more details.

Then, create a Python script that will load the configuration and launch the run. Here is an example:

import stable_ssl
import hydra

def main(cfg):
   """Load the configuration and launch the run."""
   args = stable_ssl.get_args(cfg)  # Get the verified arguments
   model = getattr(stable_ssl,  # Create model
   model()  # Call model

To launch the run using the configuration file default_config.yaml located in the ./configs/ folder, use the following command:

python3 --config-name default_config --config-path configs/

Advanced Usage#

Setting params in command line#

You can modify/add parameters of the config file by adding ++group.variable=value as follows:

python3 --config-name=simclr_cifar10_sgd

Remark: If group.variable is already in the config file you can use group.variable=value and if it is not you can use +group.variable=value. The ++ command handles both cases; thus we recommend using it.

Pass user arguments#

To pass a user argument e.g., my_arg that is not already supported in our configs (i.e., different than etc.), there are two options:

With Hydra

Without Hydra

Pass your argument when calling the Python script as ++my_arg=2

def main(cfg: DictConfig):
    args = ssl.get_args(cfg)
    args.my_arg  # your arg!
    trainer = MyTrainer(args)
    trainer.config.my_arg  # your arg!

Pass your argument to your Trainer

def main(cfg: DictConfig):
    args = ssl.get_args(cfg)
    trainer = MyTrainer(args, my_arg=2)
    trainer.config.my_arg  # your arg!

Your argument can be retrieved anywhere inside your Trainer instance through self.config.my_arg with either of the two above options.

Write and Read your logs (Wandb or JSON)#

  • Loggers: We support the Weights and Biases and jsonlines for logging. For the Wandb, you will need to use the following tags: log.entity (optional), log.project (optional), (optional). They are all optional since Wandb handles its own exceptions if those are not passed by users. For jsonlines, the log.folder / is where the logs will be dumped. Both are also optional. log.folder will be set to ./logs and will be set to %Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f of the call. References: stable_ssl.configs.LogConfig, stable_ssl.configs.WandbConfig.

  • Logging values: we have a unified logging framework regardless of the logger you employ. You can directly use self.log({"loss": 0.001, "lr": 1}) which will add an entry or row in Wandb or the text file. If you want to log many different things at once, it can be easier to “pack” your log commits, as in:

    self.log({"loss": 0.001}, commit=False)
    self.log({"lr": 1})

    stable-SSL will automatically pack those two and commit the logs.

  • Reading logs (Wandb):

    from stable_ssl import reader
    # single run
    config, df = reader.wandb_run(
    # single project (multiple runs)
    configs, dfs = reader.wandb_project(ENTITY_NAME, PROJECT_NAME)
  • Reading logs (jsonl):

    from stable_ssl import reader
    # single run
    config, df = reader.jsonl_run(
    # single project (multiple runs)
    configs, dfs = reader.jsonl_project(FOLDER_NAME)
  • Reading logs (json+CLI):

    python cli/ --path PATH --metric eval/epoch/acc1 --savefig ./test.png --hparams,


To launch multiple runs, add -m and specify the multiple values to try as ++group.variable=value1,value2,value3. For instance:

python3 --config-name=simclr_cifar10_sgd -m,5,10


To launch on slurm simply add hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm in the command line, for instance:

python3 hydra/launcher=submitit_slurm hydra.launcher.timeout_min=3

Remark: All the parameters of the slurm hydra.launcher are given here (similar to submitit).

Or to specify the slurm launcher you can add in the config file:

  - override hydra/launcher: submitit_slurm