Source code for stable_ssl.schedulers

"""Learning rate schedulers."""
# Author: Randall Balestriero <>
#         Hugues Van Assel <>
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import numpy as np
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import (

class CosineDecayer:
    """Apply cosine decay with multiple cycles for learning rate scheduling."""

    def __init__(self, total_steps, n_cycles=3, gamma=0.2):
        self.total_steps = total_steps
        self.n_cycles = n_cycles

    def __call__(self, step):
        alpha = 1 - step / self.total_steps
        cycle = 1 + np.sin(self.n_cycles * 2 * np.pi * step / self.total_steps) / 2
        return alpha * cycle

[docs] def LinearWarmup(optimizer, total_steps, start_factor=0.01, peak_step=0.1): """Create a linear warmup scheduler.""" if peak_step < 1: peak_step = int(peak_step * total_steps) warmup = LinearLR(optimizer, start_factor, total_iters=peak_step) return warmup
[docs] def LinearWarmupCosineAnnealing( optimizer, total_steps, start_factor=0.01, end_lr=0.0, peak_step=0.01 ): """Combine linear warmup with cosine annealing decay.""" if peak_step < 1: peak_step = int(peak_step * total_steps) warmup = LinearLR(optimizer, start_factor, total_iters=peak_step) anneal = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=total_steps - peak_step, eta_min=end_lr) scheduler = SequentialLR( optimizer, [warmup, anneal], milestones=[peak_step], ) return scheduler
[docs] def LinearWarmupCyclicAnnealing( optimizer, total_steps, start_factor=0.01, peak_step=0.1 ): """Combine linear warmup with cyclic cosine annealing.""" if peak_step < 1: peak_step = int(peak_step * total_steps) warmup = LinearLR(optimizer, start_factor, total_iters=peak_step) decay = LambdaLR(optimizer, CosineDecayer(total_steps - peak_step)) scheduler = SequentialLR( optimizer, [warmup, decay], milestones=[peak_step], ) return scheduler
[docs] def LinearWarmupThreeStepsAnnealing( optimizer, total_steps, start_factor=0.001, gamma=0.3, peak_step=0.05 ): """Combine linear warmup with a three-step learning rate annealing.""" if peak_step < 1: peak_step = int(peak_step * total_steps) warmup = LinearLR(optimizer, start_factor, total_iters=peak_step) anneal = MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=[ (total_steps - peak_step) * 0.4, (total_steps - peak_step) * 0.6, (total_steps - peak_step) * 0.8, ], gamma=gamma, ) scheduler = SequentialLR( optimizer, [warmup, anneal], milestones=[peak_step], ) return scheduler