Source code for stable_ssl.base

"""Base class for training a model."""

# Author: Hugues Van Assel <>
#         Randall Balestriero <>
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import gc
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import time
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import asdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import hydra
import jsonlines
import numpy as np
import omegaconf
import submitit
import torch
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import reader
from .config import (
from .data import DistributedSamplerWrapper
from .modules import TeacherStudentModule

    from .monitors import Monitor

    import wandb
except ModuleNotFoundError:
        "Wandb module is not installed, make sure not to use wandb for logging "
        "or an error will be thrown."

from .utils import (

[docs] class BaseTrainer(torch.nn.Module): r"""Base class for training a model. This class provides a general boilerplate for common operations that occur during the training lifecycle. These operations include training, evaluation, checkpointing, and training restart. The class is highly configurable, enabling customization of its internal workflows to suit diverse project requirements and use cases. This class is intended to be subclassed for specific training methods (see examples for more details). For each subclass, the following methods must be implemented: ``forward``, ``predict`` (used for supervised evaluation) and ``compute_loss`` (used for training). Execution flow when calling `launch`: - `self.before_fit` (nothing by default) - `self._fit` (executes all the training/intermittent evaluation by default) - for `self.optim["epochs"]` epochs: - `self.before_fit_epoch` (setup in train mode) - `self._fit_epoch` (one training epoch by default) - loop over mini-batches - `self.before_fit_step` (moves data to device) - `self._fit_step` (optimization step) - `self.after_fit_step` (perf monitoring and teacher update) - `self.after_fit_epoch` (nothing by default) - `self._evaluate` (if asked, looping over all non-train datasets) - `self.before_eval` (setup in eval mode) - loop over mini-batches - `self.before_eval_step` (moves data to device) - `self._eval_step` (computes eval metric) - `self.after_eval_step` (nothing by default) - `self.after_eval` (nothing by default) - Save intermittent checkpoint if asked by user config - Save final checkpoint if asked by user config - `self.after_fit` (evaluates by default) Parameters ---------- data: dict Names and construction of the dataloaders with their transform pipelines. The dataset named `train` is used for training. Any other dataset is used for validation. module: dict Names and definition of the modules (neural networks). See :mod:`stable_ssl.modules` for examples of available modules. hardware: dict Hardware parameters. See :mod:`stable_ssl.config.HardwareConfig` for the full list of parameters and their defaults. optim: dict Optimization parameters. See :mod:`stable_ssl.config.OptimConfig` for the full list of parameters and their defaults. logger: dict Logging and checkpointing parameters. See :mod:`stable_ssl.config.LoggerConfig` for the full list of parameters and their defaults. loss: dict, optional Loss function used in the final criterion to be minimized. See :mod:`stable_ssl.losses` for examples. Defaults to None. **kwargs Additional arguments to be set as attributes of the class. """ def __init__(self, data, module, hardware, optim, logger, loss=None, **kwargs): super().__init__()"=> INIT OF {self.__class__.__name__} STARTED.") for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._data = data self._module = module self._hardware = hardware self._optim = optim self._logger = logger self._loss = loss self._kwargs = kwargs # Save kwargs for checkpointing. # Set the logger defaults. self._logger = asdict(LoggerConfig(**self._logger)) if type(self._logger["wandb"]) is bool and self._logger["wandb"] is True: self._logger["wandb"] = {} if isinstance(self._logger.get("wandb"), dict) and self.rank == 0: self._logger["wandb"] = asdict(WandbConfig(**self._logger["wandb"])) # Set the hardware defaults. self._hardware = asdict(HardwareConfig(**self._hardware)) # Set the optimizer defaults. self._optim = asdict(OptimConfig(**self._optim)) # Save the full config with defaults. c = self.get_config() c["trainer"]["logger"] = self._logger c["trainer"]["hardware"] = self._hardware c["trainer"]["optim"] = self._optim with open(self._logger["dump_path"] / ".hydra" / "config.yaml", "w") as f:, f)"=> INIT OF {self.__class__.__name__} COMPLETED.") def __call__(self): """Call the setup and launch methods.""" self.setup() self.launch()
[docs] def setup(self): """Instantiate components and load the checkpoint (if applicable).""" logging.getLogger().setLevel(self._logger["level"])"=> SETUP OF {self.__class__.__name__} STARTED.") self._instanciate() self._load_checkpoint()"=> SETUP OF {self.__class__.__name__} COMPLETED.")
[docs] def launch(self): """Execute the core training and evaluation routine. This method runs the training and evaluation process, with a customizable boilerplate structure. The default flow includes: - Running evaluation and cleanup if no "train" dataset is found in ``. - Otherwise performing pre-training, training, and post-training tasks. Exceptions ---------- BreakAllEpochs Raised if the training is interrupted by the user. """ if "train" not in self._evaluate() self._cleanup() return try: self.before_fit() self._fit() self.after_fit() except BreakAllEpochs: logging.error("Training stopped by user.") self._cleanup()
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self): """Forward pass of the model.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self): """Generate model predictions for evaluation purposes. Supervised and Self-Supervised models are typically evaluated using predictions over discrete labels. This method should return the output of this classification used for evaluation. In SSL, this typically involves using a classifier head on top of the backbone, thus turning the SSL model into a supervised model for evaluation. **See Also**: :mod:`stable_ssl.trainers` for concrete examples of implementations. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_loss(self): """Calculate the global loss to be minimized during training. Compute the total loss that the model aims to minimize. Implementations can utilize the ``loss`` function provided during the trainer's initialization to calculate loss based on the current batch. Note that it can return a list or dictionary of losses. The various losses are logged independently and summed to compute the final loss. **See Also**: :mod:`stable_ssl.trainers` for concrete examples of implementations. """ pass
[docs] def get_project_logs(self, keys=None, state=["finished"]): """Retrieve the project logs from the logger.""" if self.logger["wandb"] is None: raise NotImplementedError("For now only usable with Wandb") return reader.wandb_project( self.logger["wandb"]["entity"], self.logger["wandb"]["project"], keys=keys, state=state, )
@property def wandb_run(self): api = wandb.Api() entity = self.logger["wandb"]["entity"] project = self.logger["wandb"]["project"] id = self.logger["wandb"]["id"] run ="{entity}/{project}/{id}") return run
[docs] def get_logs(self, keys=None, min_step=0, max_step=-1): """Retrieve the logs from the logger.""" if self.logger["wandb"] is None:"Retrieving JSONL logs") logs = reader.jsonl(self.logger["dump_path"]) if min_step < 0: min_step = len(logs) + min_step if max_step == -1: max_step = len(logs) + 1 return logs[min_step:max_step] else:"Retrieving Wandb logs") return reader.wandb( self.logger["wandb"]["entity"], self.logger["wandb"]["project"], self.logger["wandb"]["id"], keys=keys, max_step=max_step, min_step=min_step, )
[docs] def get_config(self): """Retrieve the configuration file of the trainer.""" config = omegaconf.OmegaConf.load( self._logger["dump_path"] / ".hydra" / "config.yaml" ) return config
[docs] def before_fit(self): """Initialize training by setting the starting epoch.""" self.epoch = 0
[docs] def after_fit(self): """Evaluate the model after completing the training process.""" self._evaluate()
[docs] def before_fit_epoch(self): """Prepare the training state and set the epoch for distributed training.""" self.train() if self.world_size > 1:["train"].set_epoch(self.epoch)
[docs] def after_fit_epoch(self): """Handle post-epoch tasks after training (currently does nothing).""" pass
[docs] def before_fit_step(self): """Prepare batch for training step by moving it to the appropriate device.""" self.batch = to_device(self.batch, self.device)
[docs] def after_fit_step(self): """Handle per-step monitoring and teacher update (if applicable).""" # Compute and log the monitoring metrics. if "train" in self.logger["monitor"]: for metric in self.logger["monitor"]["train"].values(): metric: Monitor score = metric.compute(self) if self.global_step % self.logger["log_every_step"] == 0: self._log({f"train/{}": score}) # Update the teacher network if there is one. for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, TeacherStudentModule): m.update_ema_coefficient( epoch=self.epoch, total_epochs=self.optim["epochs"] ) m.update_teacher()
[docs] def before_eval(self): """Set the model to evaluation mode before validation/testing.""" self.eval()
[docs] def after_eval(self): """Handle tasks after completing evaluation (currently does nothing).""" pass
[docs] def before_eval_step(self): """Prepare batch for evaluation step by moving it to the appropriate device.""" self.batch = to_device(self.batch, self.device)
[docs] def after_eval_step(self): """Handle post-step tasks after an evaluation step (currently does nothing).""" pass
[docs] def checkpoint(self) -> submitit.helpers.DelayedSubmission: """Create a checkpoint of the current state of the model. This method is called asynchronously when the SLURM manager sends a preemption signal. It is invoked with the same arguments as the `__call__` method. At this point, `self` represents the current state of the model. Returns ------- submitit.helpers.DelayedSubmission: A delayed submission object representing the requeued task with the current model state. """"Requeuing the task...") self._save_checkpoint("tmp_checkpoint.ckpt", model_only=False) model = type(self)( self._data, self._module, self._hardware, self._optim, self._logger, self._loss, **self._kwargs, )"Cleaning up the current task before submitting a new one.") self._cleanup() return submitit.helpers.DelayedSubmission(model)
[docs] def clean(self): """Delete the working directory with logs.""" if not self._logger["dump_path"].is_dir(): logging.error("Can't clean up properly since folder does not exist.") self._logger["dump_path"].unlink()
@property def rank(self): if self.world_size > 1: return torch.distributed.get_rank() return 0 @property def world_size(self): if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): return torch.distributed.get_world_size() return 1 @property def batch_idx(self): if not hasattr(self, "_batch_idx"): return None return self._batch_idx @property def device(self): return self._device @property def epoch(self): if not hasattr(self, "_epoch"): return None return self._epoch @property def step(self): if not hasattr(self, "_step"): return None return self._step @epoch.setter def epoch(self, value): self._epoch = value @step.setter def step(self, value): self._step = value def _instanciate(self): # We start with logger since wandb may override some hparams self.logger = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._logger, _convert_="partial")"████ Logger ████")"\tDump path: `{self.logger['dump_path']}` ✅") if self.logger["wandb"]:"\t𝗪𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗯™") # we defer adding the config to later # to make sure we use the possibly given # sweep config run = wandb.init(**self.logger["wandb"], resume="allow") self.logger["wandb"]["entity"] = self.logger["wandb"]["project"] = self.logger["wandb"]["name"] = self.logger["wandb"]["id"] ="\t\tentity: {} ✅")"\t\tproject: {} ✅")"\t\tname: {} ✅")"\t\tid: {} ✅") if len(wandb.config.keys()):"\t\ta Wandb™ config is provided, not uploading Hydra's:") for key, value in wandb.config.items(): # need to handle the fact that our base configs have a _ # and users wouldn't provide that accessor = key.split(".") if accessor[0] == "trainer": accessor = accessor[1:] if accessor[0] in [ "data", "module", "hardware", "loss", "metric", "optim", ]: if "_" != accessor[0][0]: accessor[0] = "_" + accessor[0] key = ".".join(accessor) try: original = rgetattr(self, key) rsetattr(self, key, value) assert rgetattr(self, key) == value f"\t\t\toverriding: {key} from {original} to {value} ✅" ) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"❌ Error while trying to override {key} ❌") raise e else:"\t\tNo Wandb™ config provided, uploading Hydra's") config = collapse_nested_dict(self.get_config()) run.config.update(config) else:"\tJSONL") seed_everything(self._hardware.get("seed", None)) self.start_time = time.time() # We skip optim as we may not need it (see below). = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._data, _convert_="object") self.module = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._module, _convert_="object") self.hardware = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._hardware, _convert_="object") self._set_device(self.hardware) if self._loss is not None: self.loss = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._loss, _convert_="object") self.loss = else: self.loss = None # we do metrics before data to allow logging in data"Metrics:") for m in self.logger["metric"]: if type(self.logger["metric"][m]) is dict: self.logger["metric"][m] = torch.nn.ModuleDict(self.logger["metric"][m]) if type(self.logger["metric"]) is dict: self.logger["metric"] = torch.nn.ModuleDict(self.logger["metric"]) self.logger["metric"] = self.logger["metric"].to(self._device) # Data"Data:") for name, loader in if name[0] == "_":"\t- `{name}` ignored (starts with `_`).") continue"\t\t- length: {len(loader)}.") if name in self.logger["metric"]:"\t\t- metrics:") for mname in self.logger["metric"][name]:"\t\t\t- {mname}.") else: if name != "train": log_and_raise( ValueError, f"Metrics for dataset {name} are not defined in the config. " "All datasets which are not `train` must have metrics defined.", ) if not len(loader): log_and_raise(ValueError, f"Length of dataset {name} is 0.") if self.world_size > 1: if not isinstance( loader.sampler, (,, ), ): log_and_raise( ValueError, "Custom sampler with distributed version is not supported.", )[name] = DistributedSamplerWrapper( loader, self.world_size, self.rank ) f"\t- Length after DDS on this process `{len([name])}." ) # Modules and scaler"Modules:") stats = [] for name, module in self.module.items(): # if self.config.model.memory_format == "channels_last": # if self.world_size > 1: module = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(module) num_trainable = 0 num_nontrainable = 0 num_buffer = 0 for p in module.parameters(): if isinstance(p, torch.nn.parameter.UninitializedParameter): n = 1 else: n = p.numel() if p.requires_grad: num_trainable += n else: num_nontrainable += n for p in module.buffers(): if isinstance(p, torch.nn.parameter.UninitializedBuffer): n = 1 else: n = p.numel() num_buffer += n if self.world_size > 1 and num_trainable: module = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( module, device_ids=[self._device] ) self.module[name] = module stats.append([name, num_trainable, num_nontrainable, num_buffer]) headers = [ "Module", "Trainable parameters", "Non Trainable parameters", "Buffers", ]"\n{tabulate(stats, headers, tablefmt='heavy_outline')}") self.module = torch.nn.ModuleDict(self.module) self._check_modules() self.scaler = torch.amp.GradScaler("cuda", enabled=self.hardware["float16"]) self.register_buffer("global_step", torch.zeros((1,), dtype=int)) if "train" in"Setting up self.optim.") self.optim = hydra.utils.instantiate(self._optim, _convert_="object") self.optim["optimizer"] = self.optim["optimizer"](self.parameters()) self.optim["scheduler"] = self.optim["scheduler"](self.optim["optimizer"]) else: "No `train` in data, skipping optimizer and scheduler initializations." ) self._log_buffer = {} def _fit(self): while self.epoch < self.optim["epochs"]: try: self._fit_epoch() except BreakEpoch: "Train epoch interrupted by user. Proceeding to the next one." ) except NanError: logging.error( "NaN error encountered during training, interrupting.", exc_info=True, ) return if self.epoch % self.logger["eval_every_epoch"] == 0: self._evaluate() self.epoch = self.epoch + 1 if ( self.logger["checkpoint_frequency"] and self.epoch % self.logger["checkpoint_frequency"] == 0 ): self._save_checkpoint( f"checkpoint_{self.epoch}.ckpt", model_only=self.logger["checkpoint_model_only"], ) # At the end of training, we (optionally) save the final model. if self.logger["save_final_model"]: self._save_checkpoint( f"{self.logger['save_final_model']}.ckpt", model_only=True )"Cleaning up any temporary checkpoint.") (self.logger["dump_path"] / "tmp_checkpoint.ckpt").unlink(missing_ok=True) def _fit_epoch(self): assert "train" in self.before_fit_epoch() # We do not ensure that the model is still in train mode to not # override any user desired behavior, simply speak out. if not logging.warning( "Starting training epoch but model is no longer in " "train mode after call to before_fit_epoch()." ) loader =["train"] # If max_steps is negative, train on the full dataset. if self.optim["max_steps"] < 0: max_steps = len(loader) # If max_steps is a float between 0 and 1, treat it as a fraction. elif 0 < self.optim["max_steps"] < 1: max_steps = int(self.optim["max_steps"] * len(loader)) # Otherwise, set max_steps to the length of the dataset. else: max_steps = min(self.optim["max_steps"], len(loader)) for self._batch_idx, self.batch in enumerate( tqdm(loader, total=max_steps, desc=f"Training: {self.epoch}") ): self.before_fit_step() self._fit_step() self.after_fit_step() self.global_step.add_(1) if self.batch_idx >= max_steps: break self.after_fit_epoch() self.batch = None def _evaluate(self) -> dict: self.before_eval() # We do not ensure that the model is still in eval mode to not # override any user desired behavior. if logging.warning( "Starting eval epoch but model is not in " "eval mode after call to before_eval()." ) packet = {"epoch": min(self.epoch, self.optim["epochs"] - 1)} for name_loader, loader in if name_loader == "train" or name_loader[0] == "_": continue # Reset the metrics for the epoch. if name_loader in self.logger["metric"]: for _, v in self.logger["metric"][name_loader].items(): v.reset() try: max_steps = len(loader) with torch.inference_mode(): for self._batch_idx, self.batch in tqdm( enumerate(loader), total=max_steps, desc=f"Eval {name_loader}: {self.epoch=}", ): # Call any user specified pre-step function. self.before_eval_step() # Call the eval step. with torch.amp.autocast( "cuda", enabled=self.hardware["float16"] ): self._eval_step(name_loader=name_loader) # Call any user specified post-step function. self.after_eval_step() except BreakEpoch:"Eval epoch interrupted by user.") except Exception: logging.exception("An unexpected error occurred during evaluation.") raise # Be sure to clean up to avoid silent bugs. self.batch = None # Compute the final metrics for the epoch. if name_loader in self.logger["metric"]: for name, metric in self.logger["metric"][name_loader].items(): packet[f"{name_loader}/{name}"] = metric.compute() self._log(packet, commit=True) # Call any user specified post-epoch function. self.after_eval() def _fit_step(self): with torch.amp.autocast("cuda", enabled=self.hardware["float16"]): returned_loss = self.compute_loss() if isinstance(returned_loss, torch.Tensor) and returned_loss.numel() == 1: loss = returned_loss elif isinstance(returned_loss, list): loss = sum(returned_loss) elif isinstance(returned_loss, dict): loss = sum(returned_loss.values()) else: log_and_raise( ValueError, "Returned loss must be a float, a list of floats or a dict of floats.", ) if torch.isnan(loss): log_and_raise(NanError, "Loss is NaN. Stopping training.") self.scaler.scale(loss).backward() scale = self.scaler.get_scale() if (1 + self.batch_idx) % self.optim["accumulation_steps"] == 0: # Unscales the gradients of optimizer's assigned params in-place. self.scaler.unscale_(self.optim["optimizer"]) if self.optim["grad_max_norm"] is not None: # Since the gradients of optimizer's assigned params are unscaled, # clips as usual: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self.parameters(), self.optim["grad_max_norm"] ) self.scaler.step(self.optim["optimizer"]) self.scaler.update() self.optim["optimizer"].zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # to avoid warning # see # optimizer-step-before-lr-scheduler-step-error-using-gradscaler/92930/7 if scale <= self.scaler.get_scale(): self.optim["scheduler"].step() if self.global_step % self.logger["log_every_step"] == 0: bucket = {} if not isinstance(returned_loss, dict): returned_loss = dict(loss=returned_loss) for name, value in returned_loss.items(): bucket[f"train/{name}"] = value bucket["train/lr"] = self.optim["scheduler"].get_last_lr()[0] bucket["step"] = self.batch_idx bucket["epoch"] = self.epoch self._log(bucket, commit=True) def _eval_step(self, name_loader): output = self.predict() if name_loader in self.logger["metric"]: for metric in self.logger["metric"][name_loader].values(): metric.update(output, self.batch[1]) if name_loader in self.logger["monitor"]: for metric in self.logger["monitor"][name_loader].values(): metric: Monitor # NOTE To make this more general (e.g. for GradNorm, etc.) # we should pass in the BaseModel in its entirety and let the # compute method use what it needs. score = metric.compute(output) if self.global_step % self.logger["log_every_step"] == 0: self._log({f"{name_loader}/{}": score}) def _set_device(self, hardware): # Check if CUDA is available, otherwise set to CPU. if not torch.cuda.is_available() or hardware["device"] == "cpu": logging.warning("CUDA is not available. Setting device to CPU.") self._device = "cpu" return if hardware["world_size"] > 1:"Setting up Distributed model.") dist_env = submitit.JobEnvironment() port = 10000 + int(os.environ["SLURM_JOBID"]) % 55000 if "SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" in os.environ: cmd = ["scontrol", "show", "hostnames", os.getenv("SLURM_JOB_NODELIST")] host_name = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode().splitlines()[0] dist_url = f"tcp://{host_name}:{port}" else: dist_url = f"tcp://localhost:{port}""\tos MASTER_ADDR: {os.getenv('MASTER_ADDR')}")"\tos MASTER_PORT: {os.getenv('MASTER_PORT')}")"\tprocess group: {dist_env.num_tasks} tasks")"\tmaster: {dist_url}")"\tglobal rank: {dist_env.global_rank}")"\tlocal rank: {dist_env.local_rank}")"\tnumber of nodes: {dist_env.num_nodes}")"\tworld size: {dist_env.num_nodes * dist_env.num_tasks}") torch.distributed.init_process_group( "nccl", init_method=dist_url, rank=dist_env.global_rank, world_size=dist_env.num_nodes * dist_env.num_tasks, ) assert dist_env.global_rank == torch.distributed.get_rank() assert ( dist_env.num_nodes * dist_env.num_tasks ) == torch.distributed.get_world_size() self._device = f"cuda:{dist_env.local_rank}" else: self._device = hardware["device"] # Cleanup the device."Device status at start of process:") get_gpu_info() # Set the CUDA device. torch.cuda.set_device(self._device) def _log(self, packet=None, commit=True): # Update the log buffer with the new packet. packet = packet or {} assert "_global_step" not in packet, logging.error( "'_global_step' is reserved but present in packet." ) self._log_buffer.update(packet) if not commit or len(self._log_buffer) == 0: return # Make values JSON serializable. for name, value in self._log_buffer.items(): if torch.is_tensor(value): if torch.numel(value) == 1: self._log_buffer[name] = value.item() else: self._log_buffer[name] = value.tolist() # Log in WandB. if self.logger["wandb"] and self.rank == 0: for name, value in self._log_buffer.items(): if isinstance(value, list): # Create a WandB table if the value is a list. table = wandb.Table(columns=["epoch", name]) for i, v in enumerate(np.asarray(value).flatten()): table.add_data(i, v) self._log_buffer[name] = table else: self._log_buffer[name] = value wandb.log(self._log_buffer, step=self.global_step.item()) # Log in jsonl. else: self._log_buffer.update(self._generate_logging_default_bucket()) with self.logger["dump_path"] / f"logs_rank_{self.rank}.jsonl", mode="a" ) as writer: writer.write(self._log_buffer) # Clear the log buffer. self._log_buffer = {} def _load_checkpoint(self):"load_checkpoint:") target = self.logger["dump_path"] / "tmp_checkpoint.ckpt" if not target.is_file():"\t=> `{target}` not present... training from scratch.") self.epoch = 0 return"\t=> folder `{target}` exists... loading it.") checkpoint = self.logger["dump_path"] / "tmp_checkpoint.ckpt" ckpt = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location="cpu") for name, model in self.named_children(): if name not in ckpt:"\t\t=> {name} not in ckpt, skipping.") continue model.load_state_dict(ckpt[name])"\t\t=> {name} successfully loaded.") # model and metrics are children of the model so already # handles by the above for loop. But we need special case for # the optimizer(s) and scheduler(s) if "optimizer" in ckpt: self.optim["optimizer"].load_state_dict(ckpt["optimizer"])"\t\t=> optimizer successfully loaded.") if "scheduler" in ckpt: self.optim["optimizer"].load_state_dict(ckpt["scheduler"])"\t\t=> scheduler successfully loaded.") if "epoch" in ckpt: self.epoch = ckpt["epoch"]"\t\t=> training will start from epoch {ckpt['epoch']}.") else: self.epoch = 0 def _save_checkpoint(self, name, model_only): if self.world_size > 1: curr_rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() if curr_rank != 0:"On rank {curr_rank}, only rank 0 saves the checkpoint.") return saving_name = self.logger["dump_path"] / name state = {} for subname, model in self.named_children(): state[subname] = model.state_dict() if model_only:, saving_name)"Model saved at {saving_name}.") return if hasattr(self.optim, "optimizer"): state["optimizer"] = self.optim["optimizer"].state_dict() if hasattr(self.optim, "scheduler"): state["scheduler"] = self.optim["scheduler"].state_dict() state["epoch"] = self.epoch, saving_name) if model_only: mess = "(model only)" else: mess = "(model, optimizer, scheduler, epoch)""Checkpoint {mess} saved at {saving_name}.") def _generate_logging_default_bucket(self): cur_time = time.time() rel_time = cur_time - self.start_time bucket = { "rank": self.rank, "timestamp": cur_time, "relative_time": rel_time, "training":, "epoch": self.epoch, "step": self.batch_idx, } return bucket def _cleanup(self): if self.logger["wandb"]:"Cleaning up Wandb:") try:"\t- Calling wandb.finish()") wandb.finish() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Encountered error during wandb.finish: {e}") raise e"Cleaning up process, device status before cleaning:") get_gpu_info() if torch.distributed.is_initialized():"Cleaning distributed processes.") torch.distributed.destroy_process_group() gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache()"Device status after cleaning.") get_gpu_info() def _check_modules(self): """Check if the required modules are defined.""" if not hasattr(self, "required_modules"): "\t-skipping module check as `required_modules' was not provided." ) return missing_modules = [] incorrect_types = {} for module_name, expected_type in self.required_modules.items(): if module_name not in self.module: missing_modules.append(module_name) else: actual_obj = self.module[module_name] if not isinstance(actual_obj, expected_type): incorrect_types[module_name] = ( f"Expected {expected_type.__name__}, " f"got {type(actual_obj).__name__}." ) if missing_modules: log_and_raise( ValueError, f"The following required modules are missing: {missing_modules} " f"for the {self.__class__.__name__} trainer.", ) if incorrect_types: log_and_raise( ValueError, f"Some modules are not of the required type:\n{incorrect_types}\n" f"for the {self.__class__.__name__} trainer.", )